Travel Experiences that Elevate

Be the first to experience some of the world's lost and ancient cultures.

Experience an Extraordinary life. Travel with us.

Imagine a journey that enriches your life and positively impacts the world. Dance bullerengue under the moonlight, learn to make fire with elephant poo, or engage in Maasai jumping competitions. Stay in cabins surrounded by waterfalls while learning about coffee, cacao, and coco. Indulge in the best chocofacial and return lighter, healthier, and more connected to life than ever before.

Join us in supporting these guardians of nature and embark on a transformative journey of impact, culture, tradition, elevation, and personal growth. Best investment you will ever make.

Explore our Destinations

“If you have come here to help me you are wasting your time, but if you have come because your liberation is bound up with mine, then let us work together.”

Lillia Watson

Create an extraordinary life.

Choose from our three types of experiences, each designed to be accessible and packed with value and opportunities for everyone.




Igniting Social Impact through conscious travel experiences

Indigenous and tribal communities are the stewards of the world's most biodiverse regions. Their traditional knowledge, connection to nature and sustainable practices preserve ecosystems and maintain biodiversity, benefiting the planet.


Water filters provided for 5 years of clean drinking water


People access digital technology


People elevated to date.

What people say about our Experiences

“Thank you to Genevieve and Elev-Eight for enabling us to make positive change. Our trip to Kenya was incredible, we were able to work in different projects that impact many people positively and there is nothing more rewarding than that. I also enjoyed the amazing local guides and Maasai community that we were able to learn from and enjoy with. The day at the safari was magical. So grateful for every experience we lived! Thank you Elev-Eight!”

Lina Grisales - Founder of FilSoul

“Last month I had the privilege of travelling to Ghana with my daughter Carly. We spent an unforgettable week working alongside Genevieve Jones-Hernandez and her remarkable social impact platform, Elev-Eight exploring various community projects. I love to working for the community people and also I love to support them with a helping hand as well It was a life-changing experience.”

Alina Addison - Founder of Adaptaa Executive coaching, Our top Client and Author of ‘Audacity Spectrum’

Invest in yourself

Empower Someone Else

Live an Extraordinary Life

Invest in yourself • Empower Someone Else • Live an Extraordinary Life •

Stop donating. Start Elevating

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Ethical Shopping

Maasai Bracelet

Handmade Bracelet made by the Nemayian Woman Collective, in the Maasai Mara. 100% of profit goes directly to the maker.


Give the Gift of Elevation

We don’t seek donations. Instead, we invite you to pay it forward and invest in a human. Purchase a Gift Voucher, give it to a friend or loved one, and elevate someone else's life in the process.

100% of the proceeds directly support social investment.